Be the judge: Are you dating or in bondage?

Be the judge: Are you dating or in bondage?
Be the judge: Are you dating or in bondage?

"I really really really want to know her. I can't marry someone I've not known in and out."
"He says he is not yet ready for marriage and that he doesn't really know when he would be ready."
"My policy is straight. Any lady that doesn't meet my standards, I dump her immediately and start all over with another lady. After all, they are not scarce."
These are just few out of multiple cases to welcome you into this subject. Never in a time had the world been so wicked than it is today. Many people hang around your life, not because they want to progress with you. Truth!
It's dangerous to unlock commitment towards a relationship where mutual understanding of expected direction is not known and shown. Don't be too blind to ask questions. After you've said YES to welcome a relationship, there's no idle time; every time spent in the relationship should be progressive with clear targets and milestones. That's how you know people that are heading somewhere.
4 years have gone yet he has not said anything pointing to a marital commitment, but see the way two of you parade the streets in uniform as if you were identical twins. You pass food flasks in the name of making sure he doesn't lack food, stop over to clean his house, even move over to live with him, and you claim you're dating? No, you're joking!
In his indecision, see the way he gets jealous over every guy that blinks in your direction and you can't see an enemy of progress tying you down?
"I am thinking that he really really wants to know me before he makes the next move".
Well, for your information, some wonderful couples have been married for decades and are still discovering new things about themselves in love. So, how long do you think he can be with you to know you so well—5 years?
Oga, kindly stop all this hide and seek childish game and mean business. If you can't then, you have no business hanging around someone's daughter. Make up your mind to succeed with your life. Be decisive and take actions. Everyone needs grace to love, including the person attempting to love to you.
Stop changing ladies like diapers. It doesn't make you a man. How can a man at 35 still not care about "this marriage of a thing?" Meanwhile, he is a comfortable flirt, destroying the souls of other ladies, promising them marriage but only as a license to mess them up.
The sad part is that he'll wake up at 45, claiming he now wants to settle down, looking for a 22 year old innocent girl to imprison. The lady will sheepishly follow this ancestor. Hey lady, who will train your children?
Guy, if you mean to marry her, mean business. Rise up and work it out. Go to work then return! Stop hiding under 'I love you' and collecting the little she labours to save. She is not your microfinance bank.
"If you can't provide, don't wake up love"; you'll leave it hanging for too long. The problem is not that at the time she accepted you, you had nothing in your pocket. It's disturbing that after she has accepted to marry you, nothing still excites you to work. Jacob showed Rachael how much he loved her by working for 14 years just to secure her. Lady, when next a guy displays his feelings anyhow around you, ask him to show you his Work.
Get my message: The above are just few instances and reasons why marriage appears impossible to many.
A successful marriage is not determined by the length of dating/ courtship. Long lasting dating and long lasting marriage are not the same thing. They are not synonyms. You can't know anyone well enough than he/she is willing to show. Haven't you ever heard people say: "when I married you, you were not like this"? Most of them dated for 5 years.
Marriage is sustained by the grace of God with two human beings who are willing to grow in understanding; who are ready to stand their feet on sound decisions as matters arise.
Lady, a guy keeping you longer than necessary without working towards fulfilling his intentions towards you may not truly see the need to marry you especially, if he has been doing biology practicals with you. Who knows? Any nonsense is still possible.
© LoVe sPEcIaL..
Be the judge: Are you dating or in bondage? Be the judge: Are you dating or in bondage? Reviewed by Nsehub on November 05, 2018 Rating: 5


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